Field and CPL Updates
2007-2008 Antarctica
December 5, 2007

A scientist logs an ice core at WAIS Divide. Photo: Kendrick Taylor
- Camp operations are in full swing and supporting weekly aircraft missions and project personnel arriving to begin field activities.
- D4 tracked dozer is up and running. This is a great addition and sincerely welcomed by the staff.
- GOES system and email accounts are up and running.
- Camp staff is doing a great job!
- McMurdo based cargo coordinator, Sharon Lewis, is doing a fantastic job with supporting the entire camp and project cargo/personnel.
Arch Construction / DISC Drill Install:
- The arch construction crew is wrapping up many loose ends and is on schedule with the DISC drill install and core processing equipment.
- Science Construction and FEMC are greatly helping the arch crew with trade support.
- ICDS, NICL, and SCO personnel are on site and beginning installations.
- ICDS MECC machine shop arrived safely.
- FEMC is organizing a site inspection of all facilities for 15 December to identify Priority 1,2,3 issues.
Power Module:
- Generators and switchgear are due to arrive McM on 06 December 2007.
- One Gough Gough and Hamer mechanic is deploying on the same flight. Ben McMasters will help replace Lynn Peters for the installation and commission of the generators and switchgear.
- VMF has been great with helping support camp and project requirements including the power module.
- Construction of the modules is scheduled to begin a few days prior to the generators' arrival at camp. The expected shipment day is 10 December 2007 from McM.