Field and CPL Updates
2009-2010 Antarctica

The ten person put-in team, led by camp manager Theresa "T" Tran, arrived at WAIS Divide on November 2. It was a 5.5-hour flight in the Basler and the temperature at WAIS Divide was -49C. This was 10 days later than our most optimistic plan due to weather delays. All the cargo, modules, and equipment wintered well with minimal drifting allowing them to get the CAT 953 and one Tucker running in record time. The power poles created significant drifting that will need to be cleared. The arch has some new winter drifting and it will be a while before anyone can get inside.
Major storms have prevented any other flights. So in twenty days of trying we have only gotten in one flight. High winds, drifting snow, a small crew, and an incomplete camp set up is making it difficult to make progress. We are now at least two weeks behind our most optimistic plans. All of this is sort of normal, but of course we hoped for a quicker start.
The southward movement of people is going as planned. NICL, IDDO, and the SCO all have people in McMurdo waiting for flights.
Ken, Mark and Joe
WAIS Divide Science Coordination Office