Field and CPL Updates
2005-2006 Antarctica
December 21, 2005

I-177 (Sowers et al.) begins drilling an ice core to 300m to recover ice for reconstructing atmospheric records covering the last 1000 years. For more information, read I-177's End-of-Season Report. Photo: Mark Dreier
Science Operations:
- I-163 (Raymond & Matsuoka -Radar ice anisotropy) team members have returned to McMurdo to work on the radar unit.
- I-177 (Sowers-Firn gas) is on site.
- I-188 (Gogineni-Basal conditions and internal layers) is on site.
- G-087 (Dalziel-Bed rock crustal motions) scheduled for WSD on 09 Jan.
LC-130 Fixed Wing Operations:
- Mission D-039 scheduled today including arch materials.
- Missions D-040 to 042 scheduled tomorrow with remaining arch materials.
- McMurdo return weather has been a major factor in weather cancellations.
- Longer flight times to WSD have increased the airtime per crew duty cycle. This greatly reduces the amount of time a crew can actually "standby" for weather or mechanical delays in comparison to other destinations including South Pole.
- WSD ACL has been reduced from the planned 19,900 lbs. to an actual 18,500 lbs.
- LC-130 missions to camp will significantly drop over the next several weeks. Flights will mainly support the South Pole.
- Population: + 50
- Camp is up and running full speed.
- Science Construction crew did an excellent job installing the large camp and new structures.
- Camp staff is busy supporting science and arch crew efforts. There has often been 3 to 4 LC-130 flights in one day.
- Small arch sections (84') are erected and complete with only 6 crew members.
- Taller arches (100') will start tomorrow, including end walls as remaining materials arrive.
- Taller arches will be slower due to additional height, weight, and bolts. Scheduled for 18 days.
- Additional 6 crew members have arrived on site for a 12 person crew.
- Utility arches will not be installed this season. Exact location to be determined by Greenland setup.
- Total arch schedule currently has 10 days of float. Completion expected on 21 Jan. per baseline schedule.
- Excellent efforts on the arches by the crew lead by Billy Texter.
ICDS Power Requirement Review:
- Total DISC drill and arch facility system power requirements have been submitted to John Rand and Dave Oliver.
- Dave to provide guidance on generator sizing (delivery TBD)
- Schedule to be developed in early Jan.
- Jan. will be a busy month working on the power module and arch facility systems.
ICDS Safety Meetings:
- Ryan Emond (RPSC EH&S) and I will be in Madison 05-06 January