Field and CPL Updates
2011-2012 Antarctica

The season is progressing very smoothly, particularly considering the early season storms and the many different activities that are occurring.
The camp enjoyed their first week without high winds. Both Don (science) and Krissy (drilling) speak highly of how well camp is operating and the high quality of support from RPSC.
Broken heavy equipment required for snow removal continues to be an issue.
The temperature and optical logging measurements and data processing are complete. Some sonic measurements were made but the tool is not fully functional and more remains to be done. The vertical seismic profile (downhole geophone) has been shot, and the data is being processed. We should soon be able to determine how much we can deepen the hole.
The winch cable respooling and termination has been completed for the DISC Drill, as have many other tasked needed to prepare for drilling.
The detailed SITREPs from Don and Krissy are below.