Field and CPL Updates
2011-2012 Antarctica

This week the focus was on replicate coring. Because replicate coring is a new procedure, the replicate coring objective for this season is to test the equipment and procedures, and there has been lots of testing. Jay says: "It has been an exciting, challenging, frustrating, and long week. We have continued to learn a lot about our replicate coring system, unfortunately it hasn't resulted in significant progress on the deviation. The cutting process has proven to be challenging." The IDDO crew is trying several methods to make progress, but they only have 5 more days before the end of the season.
Don Voigt notes that as the end of the season approaches and the physical toll mounts, there are many comments about having a difficult time staying warm. But that camp morale is still high and everyone is pushing hard to make the most of the remaining time.
The detailed situation reports (SITREPs) are below.